I am consistently inconsistent and an unlikely homemaker. I talk about horror movies, cooking, zombies, crafts, video games, parenting, money, tattoos, and shopping. A fair amount of bitching is also to be expected.
Friday, December 30, 2011
My first sculpture in 16 YEARS.
Anyway, I got my clay, and set up shop in the basement. I took over Justin's "woodworking" space. He can share. A little dismal, but I don't have many options.
I remember how to sculpt. But it makes me sad that I have no one to ask all my little questions to. Like what kind of clay should I be buying? If I am supposed to keep the clay moist, why are my tentacles cracking? I had the ultimate expert, but I've lost that opportunity.
I made this in about 1-2 hours. I made something similar to this in high school, and Mr. Drake kept it in the school showcase forever. When the high school moved, dumb football players were in charge of moving the sculptures, and they broke mine. Jerks.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Frozen Rainbow Chiffon Cake
Perpetually Engaged: frozen rainbow chiffon cake
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I finally have something to say
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Lavender roots. No, not the herb. (June 17, 2011)
Jessica picks some soap colors (May 29, 2011)
I sort of hogged the mixing.... but I guess I didn't want to be blamed for her lying a toe off or something. And by lying I mean "lye" not "lie." Yes, I know how awesome I am.
Here's a 3 second video of me mixing lye and water!!! Okay, 23 seconds.
But she DID add the French Pink Clay at trace. GOOD JOB, JESS. The yellow looked fine, but the emerald mica....turned olive. It was a little scary at first, but it grew on me.
Soap Update (April 12, 2011)
I'm a little let down by the inside, but they smell nice....a woodsy scent. It's not super strong....because I have no patience, if you remember. I placed the bars on a drying rack where they will sit for a couple of weeks to dry out.
YAY NEW HOBBY (April 11, 2011)
Working with lye was a little scary... I was scared to death that some of it would fall out and I wouldn't see it. I pretty much sprayed the whole area in vinegar to neutralize it. I mixed the lye into the water outside....and totally wore this:
I totally forgot to add the fragrance when the soap was still in the pot. I tossed it in once the soap was in the mold and whisked it through. I added only half the recommended fragrance....not because I was afraid the scent would be too strong, but because watching the fragrance oil come out drop by drop was excruciating. It will be interesting to see if the fragrance holds.
I didn't get my color pigments yet....but I didn't want to wait any longer. I pulled out the Hershey's baking powder, and used that to make some of the soap brown. All of the books recommend not trying to use color in your first batch...but why would I listen to that? My swirl was far from perfect...there is definitely an art to it. Unfortunately, I tried to move the mold immediately, and the soap shook a little and messed up the twirls a bit. Blah. Whatevs. OMG PICTURES.
Old Pantyhose Dolls. Ew! (November 26, 2010)
It also looks like I used a rubber band to create the nose. It likely never occurred to me that it would eventually break. And yes, I just used some blue marker for the eyes. And stuffed it with cotton balls.
We've moved up to button eyes and yarn hair! But we've lost hands. Not sure if that's a wash.
I actually remember this one quite well. It was a pattern that I cut out, and then cut fabric to match the pattern. Of course I hadn't the slightest idea how to sew. No one I knew did things like that at the time. In fact, if a coat lost a button....we probably just got new coats.
So anyway, there are the aforementioned dolls. BTW, I would like to confirm that is indeed a word.
Bird Dish Towel for Dot (November 25, 2010)
This is a pattern from the Sublime Stitching Craft Pad. I've modified it a touch because parts of it were irritating to me.
Owl Softie (November 25, 2010)
I saw a design for an owl and Raccoon softie in an Aimee Ray book, and I took the basic outline and then went my own way with it. Rules hurt my heart. I didn't plan what I was going to do...I kind of made it up as I went along. I was initially thinking of putting a big bug on the belly, but I ultimately decided that would be too much and that I would save the bugs for another project. I've got lots of ideas for bugs. Don't worry.
Cabbage Patch Kid Rescue Part 3 (November 15, 2010)
Getting Organized (November 11, 2010)
Anyways, I finally organized all my embroidery shit. I am exceedingly proud of myself. Here is how I was working before:
Notice the "floss organizer" underneath the pile of floss. I bought that as a possibly organizing technique...but when I realized that would require me to hand-wind every floss color around a stupid "bobbin" in order to fit in the case, I eschewed that plan. I hate the word bobbin, too.
Enter this awesome (even if grossly colored) new carrying case!!!! Plus, it was an extra bonus for being on clearance for $10. I am all about it. Again...so proud of myself. (But this rarely happens, so let me milk it a little bit.)
Of course, I ran out of the floss-stretcher-thingies, but I'll go get more today after my mom comes over. I don't mind shopping with Big G, but it's sooooo easier to make a ton of little stops without having to strap her in and out and in and out and in and out of the car seat, cart, stroller. I'll bet you got tired just reading that.
Cabbage Patch Kid Rescue Part 2 (November 10, 2010)
Anyway, here are the CPKs all clean and dry. The preemie is already hanging out upstairs in her preemie outfit.
Cabbage Patch Kid Rescue Part 1 (November 8, 2010)
So I was at my parents' house yesterday, and came across a bag filled with my sister's and my own old cabbage patch kids. Unfortunately, it seems several generation of mice also made their home in the bag....ruining some of the clothes. For some reason, they left the dolls alone! But of course, the dolls are probably ridden with mouse excrement and disease. GROSS! I found a couple online articles about cleaning up old CPKs, but I have no idea how successful I will be.
It's a Stump Pin Cushion! (November 8, 2010)
Don't feel bad. I had to explain it to my husband, Justin, as well. This project came out of Aimee Ray's first Doodle Stitching book. I needed a pin cushion (not really) and since I'm poor and I like all things woodland, I tried my hand at this. I'm sorry that I didn't take pictures while it was in progress, but I promise to do so in the future. (I have a baby, so don't hold me to that.)
If I were craftier, I would have made some little mushroom and leaf pins using polymer clay. Alas, I am lazy above all else. I'm also hesitant to introduce those fumes into the same oven I use to cook our food.
Deer Dish Towel (November 8, 2010)
Embroidery Practice (November 8, 2010)
The basic circle design came from Aimee Ray's Doodle Embroidery book.... but of course I embellished.
Multiple Blog Disorder
Then I saw how many private posts I had. And realized I could not post private posts HERE. WHY NOT, BLOGGER? WHY NOT?
Sometimes, I just gotta say stuff and know no one can see it. I really DO like blogspot best, Though I suspect my main love stems from the bug background with the lime green topping. I am shallow like that.
Yeah, I am sticking with blogger. I'll pull my Wordpress entries over tonight!! I'll just use Wordpress for private ones. I feel better. That was a huge decision.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Feeling frustrated.
Being home all of the time sucks. It's for a great cause, so I suck it up and rarely complain. I feel like I spend 80% of my day in the kitchen. Which I hate. I hate the floor, the dark, low cabinets, the stove, the refrigerator, the counters, the sink, the missing window, and the lack of preparation space. I'm at the point where the kitchen makes me ill when I think about it. At all.
So what can I do about it? Well, the dark wood is sacred due to Justin's dad making them. Can I have a small kitchen island? Nope, there's never been a kitchen island, and therefore it can never happen. Can I buy one? Nope, it's not my money to "waste." Can I get a cheap one from Craigslist? Nope, "they're ugly" and/or "a pain in the ass" to pick up and since I can't drive the truck, I'm powerless to get it myself. Oh, but he'll "make me one when he gets around to it" sometime after I've shot myself in the face, no doubt.
Probably the worst part is the powerlessness. I am not used to having to ask for something. I usually just go get it or do it.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
I am mediocre.
I can't follow through on anything, anyway, since I know it would be mediocre at best. I envy people who seem to be good at everything. Hell, I would like to be really good at just one thing.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Freaking amazing baked pasta casserole. Freaking CHEAP, too.
I can't take credit for the original recipe, but as I modified the crap out of it, I will anyway. Here are the ingredients:
Roller derby. A pipe dream?
I miss my lavender hair. =(
Analysis of a Kitchen Cupboard
WARNING: I make no promises as to the interestingness of this post.
Quote from Anne of Green Gables
Cooking with ramen
And you know what? It's CHEAP. Soooooo cheap. The noodles themselves aren't in league with the devil... it's the seasoning packet that you have to shield your soul from.
So here's the ingredients:
We've got:
- 2 tbsp olive or sesame oil
- 1 onion cut in half then into long thin slivers
- 1 carrot, thinly sliced
- 2 c slivered cabbage
- 1 clove garlic minced
- 3 packages oriental flavor ramen noodle packages
- 1 c bite-size broccoli florets
- 1 c water
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp cornstarch
- 1/2 t grated fresh ginger
- Sprinkle of sesame seeds
I can haz sewing skillz?
Do I know how to sew? Nope.
Does that stop me from wanting this sewing machine? Nope.
WTF Hooligans?
Haunted by Snickerdoodles
And then I had to give most of them away so I didn't eat all of them in 2 days. But what a sad, sad night it was when the snickerdoodles were all gone. :(
Poor/cheap/lazy woman's guide to Sangria
Put some sliced lemons & limes in the bottom of a glass. Bonus points for strawberries. Add a bit of sugar if you are feeling super fancy.
Shove as much ice as you possibly can into the glass.
Fill up the glass half-way with wine. WALK AWAY.
Wait until the wine is flush with the ice. At this point, drink it or add even MORE ice to re-top it off.
I did mention lazy, correct? Add impatient.
Also, if you are REALLY hard up, this works with just lemons. Or just ice and sugar.
NOTE: more fruit adds fanciness points, but subtracts poor & cheap & lazy points. Do with that what you will.
Wheatish Bread, Take II
I did it!! It happened!!! And then I ripped the loaf all up getting it out of the pan. Ah well. They can't all be winners, can they?
Same Steve the Bread Guy recipe. Well, sort of- I used 3 cups of white flour, and 3.5 c of whole wheat flour.
I had my *game face* on this time. No playing around. Here's the pictures:
Baked Falafel Balls!
Baked falafel balls! I still had a couple of cans of chick peas, and I was craving falafel, so I gave this recipe a whirl. Lemme link you the recipes:
I love allrecipes.com.
They were a *little* dry, but I did bake them and not deep-fry them as suggested.
Maybe you don't mind working with scalding oil & then cleaning it up... and more power to you! I wanted no part of it. Not that I thought this at the time, but a wandering, ball-throwing toddler would be an excellent reason to never deep-fry.