Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I'm really trying...

I've neglected blogging scandalously, which is a pity because I *do* enjoy it. I very much enjoy the prospect of connecting with new kindred spirits. (Also, do you think I've been reading too much L.M. Montgomery?) My last couple were set to private because I've really been struggling with depression, and I didn't feel like sharing all the dirty details. Here's some random updates in no particular order.

I switched from Wellbutrin to Prozac. And put on 15 pounds. YAY. I was feeling pretty desperate, but I feel stable now and will switch back. Prozac is just too much of a wet blanket. It zaps the extreme misery, but also the drive to DO anything. So back on the roller coaster I go!

My hair is short, and working on being white. It will happen! I always shied away from it because of the expensive upkeep, but fuck it. I need something selfish about my appearance.

I've been sucked back into Tumblr. So I'll be updating that now, too. Some of the tumblr's I've started following are the ones focusing on positive body image. Self-love is a good thing. It's serving me very well. I'd still like to be more physically fit, but for the sake of energy and health as opposed to wearing a size 12 again. It's also (slowly) inspiring me to get back to embroidery and sculpture.

I've been spending probably too much time playing World of Warcraft. It's just soooo nice to log in and escape for a few hours. But I can't leave the house, and I'm usually alone, and TV doesn't do much for me. So WoW it is for now. Once I get back some mojo, I want to make some artsy fartsy stuff happen.