Friday, January 20, 2012


Okay, I have known about this site since 1997 or so.  And have desperately wanted one ever since.  I am pretty sure these used to retail for like $1200 or so, because it was soooooo far out of my price range.

Or maybe they ALWAYS cost $500, but back then $500 seemed more like $1200.  Know what I mean?

Anyway, one day some random wonderful person will make this happen for me.  I love you in advance.

I have a big heart.  I can love two of them.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Spoiler: everybody lives

Fair warning: heavy family crap.  No promises as to this being the least bit interesting.

I act like a rock, but I am not one.  Well, maybe one of those "fool's gold" rocks that flakes apart.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Scary tentacle man update

UPDATE:  I refined it a bit, and am slowly drying it so that I can hollow it out.  Here's a couple more:

Another year, another diet.

Which one, this time?  The P.I.N.K. Method.  I am making Justin do it, too.  He'll sneak food, so don't worry about him not getting enough calories.

Today is day 1 of a 14 day "reset" where you eat 4 ounces of lean protein 3 times a day, and nothing else but vegetables.  Exciting, right?

Oh well, can't hurt, in any event.  The only annoyance is that it's not really enough calories to support much (any) exercise.  But I guess I can put my daily 7 mile run on pause.  (teehee)

Hippie Shit & Roller Derby

So I am reading this book, "The Power of Now." I am only up to chapter 3. There is a lot of mumbojumbo, and I am having a hard time sticking with it, but I'm committed. I like the idea of it, even if I can't get over the vision of the author wearing lots of beads and flowy clothes. And burning a lot of incense.

Obviously, I don't have much to report yet, but so far, it points out to separate "you" from your ever-chattering mind. To observe your thought processes as an outside entity... sort of interesting. "Negativity" counts as mind-chatter, and you are encouraged to quickly note a sudden turn of misery or moodiness. As a bystander, it's a little easier to get to the root of things. I realize that made no sense, but like I said, I only read 2 chapters. Maybe my beads and flowy clothes still need to be earned.