Thursday, May 24, 2012


My kid has a lot of toys.  It's bad.  We've essentially given her a whole room (in addition to her bedroom) for toy storage.  I've banished her toys from the living room.  I felt like I needed to NOT HAVE TO SEE TOYS once she's in bed.

Still, this room was out of control, and I wanted to corral it.  I was looking at those toy organizers made from bins, but didn't really want to spend the money on something that would eventually be worthless.
I snuck me to the Container Store today... and I was in and out of there within 30 minutes.  I am pretty sure that has never happened ever.  I walk in there and start to twitch because I want everything.  I lose my mind.

But I was focused.  I went for the stacking baskets, which were okay, but saw other ones next to them that I likes better.... for only $1 more.  So 6 bins, several hours, and lots of supreme annoyance later, I have results.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Cabinet Crisis!

My "pantry" cabinet has been overwhelming me for a while.  It was really, really bad.  Observe:

Bento egg *FAIL*

I have had these molds for years.  Because let's be honest- wouldn't you rather eat a hard boiled egg that was shaped like a bunny?  I thought so.

Monday, May 14, 2012


I've always enjoyed mis-matched silverware and plates.  I think they look charming together.  I was at the thrift store, and there was quite a few pretties to be found!  Allow me to show off a bit.

(BTW- "pretties" is a plural noun coined by my 2 y/o)

Lemon Cranberry Scones

This recipe is RETARDED delicious.


Energy slump.  Hopefully it comes back so that I don't waste my going-on-6-days egg whites.

Also, I made some lemon curd, but didn't like it.  It was unbearably sweet.  Maybe it's supposed to be?  I don't know- I've never tasted it.  Also also, something about the consistency made me queasy.  I think it's all the lemon zest- I wonder if it is lemon zest or little bits of cooked egg.  And for some reason that makes me squick.

Friday, May 11, 2012


I had one!  I was so excited that I had to pull it out and examine it.  I would love a headful of snow white hair.  It's been one of my life-long dreams.  Hopefully it comes back white and not gray.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I am reading "MWF seeks BFF."  It's cute.  A little boring and a little annoying, yet it raises a lot of questions for me.

Mainly, I have a hard time remembering EVER having a "BFF" like she describes.  Someone to call to meet for lunch, talk on the phone, go get pedicures, see a last-minute movie, analyze relationships and people ad nauseum.  And even if I ever had, it probably wasn't a female.

My television was video games, and my movies are horror movies.  I hate talking on the phone.  I love pedicures, though.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bread with your soups!

So now that I know we will be eating soup for weeks, I figured I'd throw my husband a bone and make some bread to dip or eat along with all of this soup.  Because we're eating it.  No mercy. I have a little experience making my own bread.  I have been using a recipe for honey-wheat bread, but this "light wheat" recipe is much awesomer in my opinion.  I had to halve it, though, because that lady was crazycakes. I took A LOT of pictures, and plan to explain each step.  Forgive my wordiness, but it's for people confounded by homemade bread.  It's really not so bad.  There is very little hands-on time.... mostly just waiting.  PERFECT for those of us with short attention spans or those of us with little kids that need to be redirected every 15 minutes.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I made soup!

I made this up, and it was pretty tasty, so let me write it down before I forget it.  =)  This was super easy, and super customizable.  Just chop it up and toss it in.  The amounts don't even matter.  My kind of recipe, since directions harrow my soul.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brain expulsion

My brain is a jumble.  Let me clear it.

While I don't feel bad that I hate my cat, I feel bad admitting that I hate my cat.

I haven't got this kiln to work yet.  And until I get it to work, I don't want to start any new pieces for fear of them sitting around for an undetermined amount of time in a fragile greenware state.

I want to play roller derby.  I want more tattoos.  I want to have a tea party.  I want a rose garden.  I want to move.  I want to travel.  I want to know if my hair is turning gray yet.  I want to enjoy cooking & eating healthfully.  I want to not gag on cold salads.  I want some friends again.

I need to remind myself that I should have plenty of time to make most of these things happen, but I just do not work that way.  All these things circle me and scream at me.

Last, but not least, I wholly endorse the Springpad app/website.  It is very helpful when you have an insane amount of important things you want to remember to do.  Like make alien terrariums.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Okay, I have known about this site since 1997 or so.  And have desperately wanted one ever since.  I am pretty sure these used to retail for like $1200 or so, because it was soooooo far out of my price range.

Or maybe they ALWAYS cost $500, but back then $500 seemed more like $1200.  Know what I mean?

Anyway, one day some random wonderful person will make this happen for me.  I love you in advance.

I have a big heart.  I can love two of them.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Spoiler: everybody lives

Fair warning: heavy family crap.  No promises as to this being the least bit interesting.

I act like a rock, but I am not one.  Well, maybe one of those "fool's gold" rocks that flakes apart.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Scary tentacle man update

UPDATE:  I refined it a bit, and am slowly drying it so that I can hollow it out.  Here's a couple more:

Another year, another diet.

Which one, this time?  The P.I.N.K. Method.  I am making Justin do it, too.  He'll sneak food, so don't worry about him not getting enough calories.

Today is day 1 of a 14 day "reset" where you eat 4 ounces of lean protein 3 times a day, and nothing else but vegetables.  Exciting, right?

Oh well, can't hurt, in any event.  The only annoyance is that it's not really enough calories to support much (any) exercise.  But I guess I can put my daily 7 mile run on pause.  (teehee)

Hippie Shit & Roller Derby

So I am reading this book, "The Power of Now." I am only up to chapter 3. There is a lot of mumbojumbo, and I am having a hard time sticking with it, but I'm committed. I like the idea of it, even if I can't get over the vision of the author wearing lots of beads and flowy clothes. And burning a lot of incense.

Obviously, I don't have much to report yet, but so far, it points out to separate "you" from your ever-chattering mind. To observe your thought processes as an outside entity... sort of interesting. "Negativity" counts as mind-chatter, and you are encouraged to quickly note a sudden turn of misery or moodiness. As a bystander, it's a little easier to get to the root of things. I realize that made no sense, but like I said, I only read 2 chapters. Maybe my beads and flowy clothes still need to be earned.